
My Story

How It Began

My name is Bamidele Temitope Esther, fondly called TEA

And I am the Head Girl here at Customer Experience HQ.

I took my first lessons on customer service and building long-term customer relationships from my Mum.

It’s her ‘fault’ that I am a Customer Experience (CX) Expert and not a lawyer (as it was my childhood dream) today.

So, my expertise did not start by becoming a Certified Customer Service Professional in 2013 or a Certified Customer Relationship Management Professional and Member of the Institute of Customer Relationship Management, USA in 2014…it started from my days as the Sales Rep./Manager of my mum’s boutique business which is over 30 years old today.

My Mum didn’t have an MBA at the time but she practiced and mastered the art of customer relationship management such that most of her customers patronized her for several years, despite that we constantly moved from one city to the other.

This is why the best part of my expertise is that I don’t teach textbook knowledge.

When it comes to Customer Experience training and strategy, I am as practical as it gets.

Through our work at Customer Experience HQ, I simplify Customer Experience and Customer Service for visionary business owners, managers and stakeholders.

Outside of work, I’m an extrovert-in-transit. I enjoy my company but I daydream about meeting people, networking and generally having fun. I hope to start doing more of that in real life soon!😊

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